Thursday, 15 September 2011
Monday, 12 September 2011
A blog owner
Hiya everyone,
as u know, some people have blogs too, and they always try to be famous like max and ella, but there is a panda on panfu called "_101Damian101_, yh he is famous on panfu like max and ella, but not soooooooooo much, less pandas know him, me and betty and blaze and luke and other pandas, i dont remember their names, and one day after i make my website, it will look a little like panfu and a little different from panfu, i will be a famous panda, FAMOUS GIRL, sorry i was so excited, i always dreamt to be famous, i will be famous on panfu and everywhere else, who knows, oh i for got something, i am not the only one will work at the website, i cant take everything my self, so some of my best friends will help and they r (DRUM ROLLS):
1) Cooldudes-a
ok paws up for panfu,
as u know, some people have blogs too, and they always try to be famous like max and ella, but there is a panda on panfu called "_101Damian101_, yh he is famous on panfu like max and ella, but not soooooooooo much, less pandas know him, me and betty and blaze and luke and other pandas, i dont remember their names, and one day after i make my website, it will look a little like panfu and a little different from panfu, i will be a famous panda, FAMOUS GIRL, sorry i was so excited, i always dreamt to be famous, i will be famous on panfu and everywhere else, who knows, oh i for got something, i am not the only one will work at the website, i cant take everything my self, so some of my best friends will help and they r (DRUM ROLLS):
1) Cooldudes-a
ok paws up for panfu,
Sunday, 11 September 2011
New: A Chat Box
Hello guys,
Oh today i am going to put a ''Chat Box'', asking what is a chat box? it is a small box that u can chat in it with ur friends, u can put it anywhere u want on the internet, and i am going to put it today, here, in the blog, so u can chat with me and with other friends, its so great, u can be an owner so u can ban, make whoever u want a member or an owner too or whatever u see, so, its fun, its great, and max and ella should put it on their blog so that we can chat together, and ask them whatever we want, that way they will not have to go on panfu and everyone will chat and block their speech bubbles :D, how shame, anyway, just behave good, and be nice to others, who ever will be mean to others or say bad words, he/she will be banned, for one hour or two or five or whatever, or maybe forever if u behaved very mean and badly and rudly, so as max and ella say,
Paws up for panfu,
Oh today i am going to put a ''Chat Box'', asking what is a chat box? it is a small box that u can chat in it with ur friends, u can put it anywhere u want on the internet, and i am going to put it today, here, in the blog, so u can chat with me and with other friends, its so great, u can be an owner so u can ban, make whoever u want a member or an owner too or whatever u see, so, its fun, its great, and max and ella should put it on their blog so that we can chat together, and ask them whatever we want, that way they will not have to go on panfu and everyone will chat and block their speech bubbles :D, how shame, anyway, just behave good, and be nice to others, who ever will be mean to others or say bad words, he/she will be banned, for one hour or two or five or whatever, or maybe forever if u behaved very mean and badly and rudly, so as max and ella say,
Paws up for panfu,
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Hiya guys,
sorry cause didnt write from a long time, i was a little busy looking for new news, anyway, today in panfu everyone was riding unicorns, the amazing unicorns, i didnt tell u about them before but,i had one, and horsey gave me a gift cause i was brave riding the unicorn, dont want to be rude but.... he didnt ride it ever, everytime he keeps trying to ride it, the unicorn doesnt trusts him and keeps making him fall down, so i rode the unicorn and won the unicorn trust and he gave:
Well when i wear it i look like the queen of the uncirons, :D
Oh before i go forgot to tell u something, the winners of the idealist competition, lets see if u can guess who is the first (drum roll) :
Thats right i am the first, click the pic to see it better, and the second panda is:
The second panda is called tahmeed:
The third panda is called billal17.
congratulations for the winners and me, and from the fourth to thenth place they got a membership for a week, congratulations everyone, :)
Paws up for panfu,
sorry cause didnt write from a long time, i was a little busy looking for new news, anyway, today in panfu everyone was riding unicorns, the amazing unicorns, i didnt tell u about them before but,i had one, and horsey gave me a gift cause i was brave riding the unicorn, dont want to be rude but.... he didnt ride it ever, everytime he keeps trying to ride it, the unicorn doesnt trusts him and keeps making him fall down, so i rode the unicorn and won the unicorn trust and he gave:
Well when i wear it i look like the queen of the uncirons, :D
Oh before i go forgot to tell u something, the winners of the idealist competition, lets see if u can guess who is the first (drum roll) :
Thats right i am the first, click the pic to see it better, and the second panda is:
The second panda is called tahmeed:
The third panda is called billal17.
congratulations for the winners and me, and from the fourth to thenth place they got a membership for a week, congratulations everyone, :)
Paws up for panfu,
Friday, 22 July 2011
Hiya everyone,
Today i have something different, its fashion, i will show u some pics for how to be a great looking good panda, watch these pics and try to make like them girls,:
Its great right? I call then cool clothes
Ok next is so beautiful:
I like it, next is i dont know but i will just put all the fashion pics:
Ok they r great right? I will try to put more tomorrow now i am tired so,
Paws up for panfu,
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Hiya Guys,
Yesterday me and my sis and my best friends made a comic it is for a competition on panfu blog but i also thinked why wouldn't i make it a magazine for comics? but never mind so i decided to make this new post about our comics, i dont have much to say so here r our comics:
This me and my friends, and here:
Is me and my sis and a girl called penny who wanted to help us, Hope u like it and
Paws up for panfu,
Yesterday me and my sis and my best friends made a comic it is for a competition on panfu blog but i also thinked why wouldn't i make it a magazine for comics? but never mind so i decided to make this new post about our comics, i dont have much to say so here r our comics:
This me and my friends, and here:
Is me and my sis and a girl called penny who wanted to help us, Hope u like it and
Paws up for panfu,
Sunday, 17 July 2011
The last day of the bittertide
Hi there cleaners,
Today as u know is the last day of the bittertide, that what eliose said, anyway it was fun today in the morning and before everyone i woke up early to see what is coming on the beaches today, so i collected everything normally, no troubles and no nothing, i went to eliose and she was looking at me and smiling like something will happen, but really something happened, dont worry its not bad but its good not only good but great, i went to her she said that she have to leave but that was sad but she also gave me something, she gave me max statue, his peice of art he talked about, it was great and also she gave me a certifecate i am so happy i jumped around with happeniss so i took it directly to my treehouse and i took some pics for the certifecate and me i was wearing cool clothes u must wear like them before u take pics in any kind:
cool huh? click on it to see it bigger if u cant see it but its cool right? try to take pics like this and show them to ur parents and like what they say when we want to go,paws up for panfu,
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Kristina's Birthday
Hi there pandas,
today i had so much fun, today it was my birthday i invited so many people we took pictures we played ballooon fight and we danced and the disco music at my house and we played pirate gamesand went to the games room and we ate ice cream and also we ate the ice cream cake and it was so much fun, u know i think i sent for panfu a wrong one, how stupid i am never mind i will send for them an another one tomorrow but i have the picture for my bday want to see it?
and this is us riding the unicorns with my other friends:
hope u like the pic and i hope u could come, By the way i am twelve today isnt that cool?
paws up for panfu,
today i had so much fun, today it was my birthday i invited so many people we took pictures we played ballooon fight and we danced and the disco music at my house and we played pirate gamesand went to the games room and we ate ice cream and also we ate the ice cream cake and it was so much fun, u know i think i sent for panfu a wrong one, how stupid i am never mind i will send for them an another one tomorrow but i have the picture for my bday want to see it?
and this is us riding the unicorns with my other friends:
hope u like the pic and i hope u could come, By the way i am twelve today isnt that cool?
paws up for panfu,
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Mannys new hairdo style
Manny bought a new heatable curling iron, so he’d be able to impress you with a wild new hairdo. Then he left the iron in his hair a little too long. Suddenly smoke came from somewhere, but it was too late – his hair has been badly singed on one side! Now he rather looks like a plucked chicken. 
Well, he hasn’t left the house since.
That’s why there’s a little change of programme in our Panfu test week. Manny will only continue in a few days, when he will have recovered from the shock…So Ella and I will just do the quiz that we wanted to do on the weekend now instead of later.
This is how it works:
The quiz consists of 2 parts. You just have to answer the questions from both parts. The letters of the correct answer result in the solution when read in consecutive order. All Pandas who write the correct answer in the comments will have the chance to win. The winners either receive one of the super rare, Secret Tree Houses or a Panda Statue of Liberty:
Alright, on with the first part! The second part will follow tomorrow.
1. What is Paul the Kid’s favourite food?
Paws up for panfu,

Well, he hasn’t left the house since.

That’s why there’s a little change of programme in our Panfu test week. Manny will only continue in a few days, when he will have recovered from the shock…So Ella and I will just do the quiz that we wanted to do on the weekend now instead of later.

This is how it works:
The quiz consists of 2 parts. You just have to answer the questions from both parts. The letters of the correct answer result in the solution when read in consecutive order. All Pandas who write the correct answer in the comments will have the chance to win. The winners either receive one of the super rare, Secret Tree Houses or a Panda Statue of Liberty:
Alright, on with the first part! The second part will follow tomorrow.
1. What is Paul the Kid’s favourite food?
f) Kamaria’s Milk Pudding with Star Herbs
p) Pancakes
m) Chocolate
2. Who does NOT have blond hair ?p) Pancakes
m) Chocolate
o) Lenny
u) Iggy of the Smashing Pancakes
a) Penny
3. How often do you get a present from the Surprise Machine in the Jungle?u) Iggy of the Smashing Pancakes
a) Penny
n) Once per week, always on a different day of the week
x) Once per week, always on Mondays
g) Twice per week
4. What is villain Bonez afraid of?x) Once per week, always on Mondays
g) Twice per week
i) Spiders
f) Sharks
h) Heights
5. What does Bruno most like to prepare in his restaurant?f) Sharks
h) Heights
s) Spaghetti with tomato sauce
u) Fat free fries
l) Fish Filets
6. Who on Panfu is married?u) Fat free fries
l) Fish Filets
e) Penny & Lenny
p) Max & Ella
m) Eva & Momo
7. What’s in the Mountains?p) Max & Ella
m) Eva & Momo
a) Pygmy Land
w) Middle Earth
l) Giant Hair Dryer
8. What is also called “Big Eye”?w) Middle Earth
l) Giant Hair Dryer
l) Telescope on the Volcano
x) Pandabeard’s glass eye
n) Under Water School
9. Which of those is a Pokopet?x) Pandabeard’s glass eye
n) Under Water School
e) Loque
d) Puddle
a) Helmet
10. What’s the name of Kamaria’s husband?d) Puddle
a) Helmet
♥) Farid
♣) Hasan
♦) Igor
Have got all the answers yet?I'll continue the quiz tommorow♣) Hasan
♦) Igor
Paws up for panfu,
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Bookworm’s Heart Softened
Good Morning Pandas, We absolutely have to tell you about our visit with Prof. Bookworm. We created quite an explosive atmosphere with our hearts in the cave.
…in the literal sense. Prof. Bookworm actually mixed a few chemicals in a test glass and thereby created a mini explosion, complete with multi-coloured smoke. BOOOOM!
Well, that’s probably his own special way of expressing his joy…
Hehe, I thought it was funny! And don’t worry, nothing happened to us. Prof. Bookworm gave us safety googles before he created the explosion. When I gave him the printout, a second explosion was the answer. BOOOOOOOOOOM
And I prompted a third BOOOOOOOOOOM Prof. Bookworm was so delighted with my flowers that he did not just create a mini explosion, but also had an idea for a new invention: a Flower Light Tube. You’re wondering what that is? I will explain it to you: You know that there is no daylight in the cave, right? Without daylight, flowers wilt and die very quickly. So Prof. Bookworm thought he could invent a special tube that would direct sunlight from the cave exit down into the cave and then onto the flower. Great idea, isn’t it?
You know the Professor and his crazy ideas…I wonder which lonely Panda we can bring a little joy to through Lenny’s hearts tomorrow.
By the way, I visited Kamaria in her castle tower today and threw a heart at her. She was very happy and even spilled a little tear of joy. At least I thought that’s what she was doing. Then she started telling me about the poor victims of the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan. This topic is really getting to all of us. Somehow, we have to help! But how?
We’ll come up with something and will let you know.
How are the other Pandas reacting to your hearts? Did anyone say or do anything funny?
Paws up for Panfu,
Well, that’s probably his own special way of expressing his joy…
Hehe, I thought it was funny! And don’t worry, nothing happened to us. Prof. Bookworm gave us safety googles before he created the explosion. When I gave him the printout, a second explosion was the answer. BOOOOOOOOOOM
And I prompted a third BOOOOOOOOOOM Prof. Bookworm was so delighted with my flowers that he did not just create a mini explosion, but also had an idea for a new invention: a Flower Light Tube. You’re wondering what that is? I will explain it to you: You know that there is no daylight in the cave, right? Without daylight, flowers wilt and die very quickly. So Prof. Bookworm thought he could invent a special tube that would direct sunlight from the cave exit down into the cave and then onto the flower. Great idea, isn’t it?
You know the Professor and his crazy ideas…I wonder which lonely Panda we can bring a little joy to through Lenny’s hearts tomorrow.
By the way, I visited Kamaria in her castle tower today and threw a heart at her. She was very happy and even spilled a little tear of joy. At least I thought that’s what she was doing. Then she started telling me about the poor victims of the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan. This topic is really getting to all of us. Somehow, we have to help! But how?
We’ll come up with something and will let you know.
How are the other Pandas reacting to your hearts? Did anyone say or do anything funny?
Paws up for Panfu,
Our Contribution to the Releif Efforts for Children in Japan
Dear fluffy pandas,
Our fundraiser for children in Japan has finished. Your willingness to donate was incredible! Now brace
yourselves! Worldwide, all Pandas have donated the converted amount of
The money will go to „Save the Children“ . They work together with other relief organisations in the crisis regions in Japan. Warm blankets, sanitary kits containing soap, towels and toothbrushes, as well as emergency kits with flashlights, blankets and other relief items will be financed with the help of our donation. In the cold emergency accommodation, where many of the now homeless children have to live, warm blankets and hygiene products are especially important besides medicine and food. Many children are also traumatised and frightened because of the terrible events they experienced in recent weeks. That is why the organisation “Save the Children” builds special child protection centres where those children can play with other children.
You have done your bit to support this cause! Thank you so much for your donations and also for the lovely comments that you continue to leave on the blog.
Everyone who donated Panda coins can collect a Donation Certificate to print from Dr. Feelgood in the city until Tuesday.
Love & Peace
P.S. I want panfu to link my blog
Our fundraiser for children in Japan has finished. Your willingness to donate was incredible! Now brace
yourselves! Worldwide, all Pandas have donated the converted amount of
$ 3.522!
That is a proud sum which will benefit a lot of children in emergency accommodation and in orphanages.The money will go to „Save the Children“ . They work together with other relief organisations in the crisis regions in Japan. Warm blankets, sanitary kits containing soap, towels and toothbrushes, as well as emergency kits with flashlights, blankets and other relief items will be financed with the help of our donation. In the cold emergency accommodation, where many of the now homeless children have to live, warm blankets and hygiene products are especially important besides medicine and food. Many children are also traumatised and frightened because of the terrible events they experienced in recent weeks. That is why the organisation “Save the Children” builds special child protection centres where those children can play with other children.
You have done your bit to support this cause! Thank you so much for your donations and also for the lovely comments that you continue to leave on the blog.
Everyone who donated Panda coins can collect a Donation Certificate to print from Dr. Feelgood in the city until Tuesday.
Love & Peace
P.S. I want panfu to link my blog
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Around the world: nuclear Power plants and nuclear Radiation
Hello fluffy Pandas,
The news that have reached us from Japan in recent weeks are certainly shocking and confusing for many of you. There were pictures of huge flood waves, buried buildings and roads, or homeless people looking for their relatives and their houses. In addition to all this, people are scared of something that you can neither hear, see, smell, nor taste: nuclear radiation. According to media reports, this is what is leaking from the nuclear power plant (NPP) in Fukushima as a result of the massive flood wave and subsequent explosions and fires that hit the area and caused terrible damage.
When large amounts of nuclear radiation are released, the consequences are disastrous for people, animals and the environment in the immediate vicinity as well as hundreds of kilometres away from the initial leak. Even in Tokyo, which is 250 kilometres away from the power plant in Fukushima, increased nuclear radiation has been registered in the air and the drinking water.
What is this nuclear radiation? What is a nuclear power plant and why is it dangerous? To make the current news a little bit more understandable, I will attempt to explain the terms
Nuclear Power Plants and Nuclear Radiation
today, as well as the terms and dangers that are associated with them.
What is radioactive material?
Any material that you can see or touch is made up of particles called atoms. Atoms are extremely small and therefore not visible to the naked eye.
Atoms whose inner parts, the atomic nuclei (1), split into even smaller parts under certain circumstances, are called ‘radioactive’. The splitting of the atomic nucleus is called nuclear fission. Usually, the substances uranium or plutonium are used for a nuclear fission. During a nuclear fission, great amounts of energy are released along with nuclear radiation.
Is nuclear radiation dangerous?
In higher doses, yes. Nuclear radiation can destroy small parts (cells) that our bodies are made up of. But there are different levels of nuclear radiation. If a body makes contact with a low level of radioactivity, it is not dangerous. A medium level of radioactivity in a body can lead to headaches, fever, nausea and other illnesses. A high level will lead to the destruction of internal organs. This can cause serious illnesses or even lead to death. Not only people and animals get hurt, but also our environment is damaged through a high level of nuclear radiation. Radiation can spread into the ground and the sea via drinking water or rain and contaminate plants and fish. Normally, nuclear radiation does not just leak out from somewhere, but is confined to the nuclear reactor of a NPP (Nuclear Power Plant).
What are nuclear power plants?
Nuclear fission with the subsequent freeing of energy that is later converted into electricity, is what happens in nuclear power plants. This is what a nuclear power plant looks like from the outside:
The big towers (2) are called cooling towers. The generation of electricity happens with the help of radioactive substances in a smaller tower (3), which is called reactor block. This is what it looks like on the inside:
The radioactive substances are in the nuclear fuel rods (4). Here the radioactive material is broken down and electricity is created. In this process, a vast amount of energy is released, so that the water surrounding the nuclear fuel rods is heated up significantly. The resulting water vapour powers turbines that produce electricity. To keep the nuclear fuel rods from overheating, they have to constantly be supplied with cooling water (5).
The nuclear power plant in Fukushima consists of six such reactors. Because of the impact of the tsunami, the cooling systems in several reactors have failed. That means that the water can no longer cool the nuclear fuel rods with their radioactive substances and the rods therefore overheat dramatically. Over the course of the last few weeks, people have tried to cool the nuclear fuel rods with sea water to prevent further explosions and a nuclear meltdown. According to latest reports, however, a nuclear meltdown has apparently happened despite the efforts.
What is a nuclear meltdown?
During a nuclear meltdown, the nuclear fuel rods overheat so much that they turn liquid. The result is a dangerous mix of nuclear material and metal. This mix is very high in nuclear radiation and essentially eats its way through the reactor. The dangerous substances seep into the drinking water or into the air through dangerous vapours. Winds can transport the nuclear radiation to far away places. This is the worst case scenario. That is why this process is also called ‘Beyond Design Basis Accident’ (BDBA). During the last BDBA in Chernobyl, nuclear radiation was measured even as far away as 1000 km and more from the actual incident.
In Japan, people are continuing to do everything in their power to prevent a Beyond Design Basis Accident. Firemen are cooling the reactor with fresh water now. The switch to fresh water was made because fresh water leaves behind fewer deposits and is less corrosive than sea water. They are also trying to remove the water that was contaminated with radiation, so that no more of this water will seep into the ground. There are also attempts to reestablish electricity to get the cooling systems to operate normally again. Unfortunately, it is not yet known how much nuclear radiation is leaking out at this point. For the people in Japan, I am hoping from the bottom of my heart that the damage stays as minimal as possible! Have you talked to your teachers or your parents about nuclear energy and other energy sources yet? Did you know that you can generate energy from wind, sun, water and even cow dung? Which energy source do you think is best? I am hoping for a lot of feedback from you!
Love & Peace
The news that have reached us from Japan in recent weeks are certainly shocking and confusing for many of you. There were pictures of huge flood waves, buried buildings and roads, or homeless people looking for their relatives and their houses. In addition to all this, people are scared of something that you can neither hear, see, smell, nor taste: nuclear radiation. According to media reports, this is what is leaking from the nuclear power plant (NPP) in Fukushima as a result of the massive flood wave and subsequent explosions and fires that hit the area and caused terrible damage.
When large amounts of nuclear radiation are released, the consequences are disastrous for people, animals and the environment in the immediate vicinity as well as hundreds of kilometres away from the initial leak. Even in Tokyo, which is 250 kilometres away from the power plant in Fukushima, increased nuclear radiation has been registered in the air and the drinking water.
What is this nuclear radiation? What is a nuclear power plant and why is it dangerous? To make the current news a little bit more understandable, I will attempt to explain the terms
Nuclear Power Plants and Nuclear Radiation
today, as well as the terms and dangers that are associated with them.
What is radioactive material?
Any material that you can see or touch is made up of particles called atoms. Atoms are extremely small and therefore not visible to the naked eye.
Atoms whose inner parts, the atomic nuclei (1), split into even smaller parts under certain circumstances, are called ‘radioactive’. The splitting of the atomic nucleus is called nuclear fission. Usually, the substances uranium or plutonium are used for a nuclear fission. During a nuclear fission, great amounts of energy are released along with nuclear radiation.
Is nuclear radiation dangerous?
In higher doses, yes. Nuclear radiation can destroy small parts (cells) that our bodies are made up of. But there are different levels of nuclear radiation. If a body makes contact with a low level of radioactivity, it is not dangerous. A medium level of radioactivity in a body can lead to headaches, fever, nausea and other illnesses. A high level will lead to the destruction of internal organs. This can cause serious illnesses or even lead to death. Not only people and animals get hurt, but also our environment is damaged through a high level of nuclear radiation. Radiation can spread into the ground and the sea via drinking water or rain and contaminate plants and fish. Normally, nuclear radiation does not just leak out from somewhere, but is confined to the nuclear reactor of a NPP (Nuclear Power Plant).
What are nuclear power plants?
Nuclear fission with the subsequent freeing of energy that is later converted into electricity, is what happens in nuclear power plants. This is what a nuclear power plant looks like from the outside:
The big towers (2) are called cooling towers. The generation of electricity happens with the help of radioactive substances in a smaller tower (3), which is called reactor block. This is what it looks like on the inside:
The radioactive substances are in the nuclear fuel rods (4). Here the radioactive material is broken down and electricity is created. In this process, a vast amount of energy is released, so that the water surrounding the nuclear fuel rods is heated up significantly. The resulting water vapour powers turbines that produce electricity. To keep the nuclear fuel rods from overheating, they have to constantly be supplied with cooling water (5).
The nuclear power plant in Fukushima consists of six such reactors. Because of the impact of the tsunami, the cooling systems in several reactors have failed. That means that the water can no longer cool the nuclear fuel rods with their radioactive substances and the rods therefore overheat dramatically. Over the course of the last few weeks, people have tried to cool the nuclear fuel rods with sea water to prevent further explosions and a nuclear meltdown. According to latest reports, however, a nuclear meltdown has apparently happened despite the efforts.
What is a nuclear meltdown?
During a nuclear meltdown, the nuclear fuel rods overheat so much that they turn liquid. The result is a dangerous mix of nuclear material and metal. This mix is very high in nuclear radiation and essentially eats its way through the reactor. The dangerous substances seep into the drinking water or into the air through dangerous vapours. Winds can transport the nuclear radiation to far away places. This is the worst case scenario. That is why this process is also called ‘Beyond Design Basis Accident’ (BDBA). During the last BDBA in Chernobyl, nuclear radiation was measured even as far away as 1000 km and more from the actual incident.
In Japan, people are continuing to do everything in their power to prevent a Beyond Design Basis Accident. Firemen are cooling the reactor with fresh water now. The switch to fresh water was made because fresh water leaves behind fewer deposits and is less corrosive than sea water. They are also trying to remove the water that was contaminated with radiation, so that no more of this water will seep into the ground. There are also attempts to reestablish electricity to get the cooling systems to operate normally again. Unfortunately, it is not yet known how much nuclear radiation is leaking out at this point. For the people in Japan, I am hoping from the bottom of my heart that the damage stays as minimal as possible! Have you talked to your teachers or your parents about nuclear energy and other energy sources yet? Did you know that you can generate energy from wind, sun, water and even cow dung? Which energy source do you think is best? I am hoping for a lot of feedback from you!
Love & Peace
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Donations are raised so far
Good Morning Pandas,
I just visited Dr. Feelgood. She could barely keep her eyes open, because she stayed up to count Panda coins last night. But it was worth it! Are you ready? On the first day, we already managed to raise a total of
Panda coins! This very clearly shows that you have your hearts in the right spot
The fundraiser continues today! Come to the city and do your bit! You can donate 100 Panda coins again to help the children in Japan. I will go back to the Jungle to get a few more Panda coins.
I almost forgot to say that in the end, the Panda coins will be converted to Dollars at the current exchange rate. This means that one coin does not equal one Dollar. I don’t really know how exactly this works. I think Prof. Bookworm will come up with the proper calculation.
Oh, and another thing. I know this is off-topic, but did you manage to come up with any April Fool’s ideas? It’ll be April 1 in two days already…this time, I really want to come up with something good for Max. If you have anything funny for me, do tell! I’ll also go and ask Paul the Kid. He’s always good with stuff like that, hehe.
Paws up for Panfu,
I just visited Dr. Feelgood. She could barely keep her eyes open, because she stayed up to count Panda coins last night. But it was worth it! Are you ready? On the first day, we already managed to raise a total of

The fundraiser continues today! Come to the city and do your bit! You can donate 100 Panda coins again to help the children in Japan. I will go back to the Jungle to get a few more Panda coins.
I almost forgot to say that in the end, the Panda coins will be converted to Dollars at the current exchange rate. This means that one coin does not equal one Dollar. I don’t really know how exactly this works. I think Prof. Bookworm will come up with the proper calculation.
Oh, and another thing. I know this is off-topic, but did you manage to come up with any April Fool’s ideas? It’ll be April 1 in two days already…this time, I really want to come up with something good for Max. If you have anything funny for me, do tell! I’ll also go and ask Paul the Kid. He’s always good with stuff like that, hehe.
Paws up for Panfu,
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Winners of the "Panfu Jumper" Competition
Howdy Pandas,
Today we will announce the winners of the “Panfu Jumper” competition.
1. Prize: Moufu with 82570 Point
You have won a 12-month Gold Membership!
2. Prize: Kungfu24 with 81210 Points
You are the lucky winner of a 6-month Gold Membership!
3. Prize: Melissa12 with 49880 Points
You will be a Gold Panda for 3 month gold membership!
Congratulations to all of you!Jumper”.
Paws up for Panfu,
Today we will announce the winners of the “Panfu Jumper” competition.
1. Prize: Moufu with 82570 Point
You have won a 12-month Gold Membership!
2. Prize: Kungfu24 with 81210 Points
You are the lucky winner of a 6-month Gold Membership!
3. Prize: Melissa12 with 49880 Points
You will be a Gold Panda for 3 month gold membership!
Congratulations to all of you!Jumper”.
Paws up for Panfu,
Brand new: Panfu Jumper for you iphone
Attention: for all Panda fans, here is the new iPhone game Panfu Jumper!
Look around the App StoreSM with your parents or simply search for "Panfu" and take on the stormy sky with your Panda on your iPhone! Available free for a limited period only!
Go to the App StoreSM
What is it about:
Panfu Jumper is the popular and addictive new game based on Panfu, the beloved Internet game played by millions of kids around the world. Help your cute little Panda jump higher and higher up to the sky and up into space. Spring from cloud to cloud collecting stars, Bollys and points along your way to secure your name on the high score list! But beware! The way up to the heavens is full of obstacles. Each of the 5 different types of clouds has their own hidden tricks and hurdles. Brace yourself against the storm and watch out for blinding pollen or angry birds, otherwise your poor Panda might have an untimely meeting with the ground!
Reach new records, compare scores with your friends and family and work your way up on the high score list! Non-stop fun, countless clouds, a sky full of stars, swarms of birds, bold Bollys and your brave, sweet Panda: that’s Panfu Jumper!
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Paws up for panfu,
Look around the App StoreSM with your parents or simply search for "Panfu" and take on the stormy sky with your Panda on your iPhone! Available free for a limited period only!
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What is it about:
Panfu Jumper is the popular and addictive new game based on Panfu, the beloved Internet game played by millions of kids around the world. Help your cute little Panda jump higher and higher up to the sky and up into space. Spring from cloud to cloud collecting stars, Bollys and points along your way to secure your name on the high score list! But beware! The way up to the heavens is full of obstacles. Each of the 5 different types of clouds has their own hidden tricks and hurdles. Brace yourself against the storm and watch out for blinding pollen or angry birds, otherwise your poor Panda might have an untimely meeting with the ground!
Reach new records, compare scores with your friends and family and work your way up on the high score list! Non-stop fun, countless clouds, a sky full of stars, swarms of birds, bold Bollys and your brave, sweet Panda: that’s Panfu Jumper!
Go to the App StoreSM
Paws up for panfu,
Donate panda coins for japan
Hello fluffy Pandas,
most of you have followed the catastrophe in Japan on TV, the radio or the newspapers with feelings of shock and grief. First there was the massive earthquake, then a tsunami and now a nuclear desaster is looming (I will explain to you what exactly that is on Thursday, in my next “Around the World” post).
People in this region are suffering greatly. Children have been hit especially hard. A lot of them have lost their parents, or other relatives and friends. Others have lost their homes and everything they owned. Many of the survivors now have to sleep in crowded emergency accommodation, where heating, food and medicine are scarce. On thing is clear: Children in Japan are in desperate need of help!
I read in your comments that you are worried about the people in Japan and that some of you have even given your own savings to help. This behaviour moved me very much and also gave me an idea: Panfu will donate money for children in Japan!
We do not just want to stand by as we see the Japanese children suffer, but contribute to improve their situation a little bit. That’s why we will have a great fundraiser in Panfu, where all the Pandas can do their bit by donating Panda coins. The coins will later be converted into Dollars and then passed on to the relief organisation „Save the Children“.
How to donate:
Starting this afternoon, you can find Dr. Feelgood with a donation box in the city.
You can donate 100 Panda coins every day until Saturday, which Dr. Feelgood will count at the end of each day. Every day she will tell you how many Panda coins all Pandas donated together. In the end, everything will be converted into Dollars and we will tell you how much money has been collected for “Save the Children”
Every donation counts! If all Pandas donate a little bit, the overall result will be fantastic.
By the way: All Pandas who have donated Panda coins, can pick up a Donation Certificate from Dr. Feelgood on Sunday.
Paws up for panfu,
most of you have followed the catastrophe in Japan on TV, the radio or the newspapers with feelings of shock and grief. First there was the massive earthquake, then a tsunami and now a nuclear desaster is looming (I will explain to you what exactly that is on Thursday, in my next “Around the World” post).
People in this region are suffering greatly. Children have been hit especially hard. A lot of them have lost their parents, or other relatives and friends. Others have lost their homes and everything they owned. Many of the survivors now have to sleep in crowded emergency accommodation, where heating, food and medicine are scarce. On thing is clear: Children in Japan are in desperate need of help!
I read in your comments that you are worried about the people in Japan and that some of you have even given your own savings to help. This behaviour moved me very much and also gave me an idea: Panfu will donate money for children in Japan!
We do not just want to stand by as we see the Japanese children suffer, but contribute to improve their situation a little bit. That’s why we will have a great fundraiser in Panfu, where all the Pandas can do their bit by donating Panda coins. The coins will later be converted into Dollars and then passed on to the relief organisation „Save the Children“.
How to donate:
Starting this afternoon, you can find Dr. Feelgood with a donation box in the city.
You can donate 100 Panda coins every day until Saturday, which Dr. Feelgood will count at the end of each day. Every day she will tell you how many Panda coins all Pandas donated together. In the end, everything will be converted into Dollars and we will tell you how much money has been collected for “Save the Children”
Every donation counts! If all Pandas donate a little bit, the overall result will be fantastic.
By the way: All Pandas who have donated Panda coins, can pick up a Donation Certificate from Dr. Feelgood on Sunday.
Paws up for panfu,
Monday, 28 March 2011
How panda beard saved him self from the pirates
Ahoy pandas,
Last tim a panda beard told us his story why his heart is like steel,and today we will continue the story:
His life was balancing on a knife’s edge. The pirates moved the plank up and down, so that he moved slowly towards the edge. He could already see myself in the jaws of a shark when he had a brain wave: Jimmy, the floppy eared Panda, could throw the steel pipe onto the plank, so that he could run back over to his ship in a flash. “Brilliant”, he thought, looking death square in the eye. “Hey Jimmy, throw the steel pipe over”, he yelled at him. But Jimmy got it all wrong, of course. He took the steel pipe, bound it to a rope and swung the pipe directly at him. He saw it coming towards him, getting bigger and bigger and then BANG, it hit him straight in the chest. It felt like a thousand cannon balls hit him. He must have fainted, because when He came to, he was sitting on the pipe, swinging back and forth between his ship and the royal ship. Deary him! In the line of fire, he quickly scrambled towards Jimmy and his sister. Then he took off.
And now pandas this is how panda beard saved his self from the pirates,hope you like it
Paws up for Panfu,
Last tim a panda beard told us his story why his heart is like steel,and today we will continue the story:
His life was balancing on a knife’s edge. The pirates moved the plank up and down, so that he moved slowly towards the edge. He could already see myself in the jaws of a shark when he had a brain wave: Jimmy, the floppy eared Panda, could throw the steel pipe onto the plank, so that he could run back over to his ship in a flash. “Brilliant”, he thought, looking death square in the eye. “Hey Jimmy, throw the steel pipe over”, he yelled at him. But Jimmy got it all wrong, of course. He took the steel pipe, bound it to a rope and swung the pipe directly at him. He saw it coming towards him, getting bigger and bigger and then BANG, it hit him straight in the chest. It felt like a thousand cannon balls hit him. He must have fainted, because when He came to, he was sitting on the pipe, swinging back and forth between his ship and the royal ship. Deary him! In the line of fire, he quickly scrambled towards Jimmy and his sister. Then he took off.
And now pandas this is how panda beard saved his self from the pirates,hope you like it
Paws up for Panfu,
Fundraiser for Japan
Hi pandas,
We have great news for you from kamaria and dr.Feelgood.They are organizing a fundraiser to support children in Japan.Children are often the ones who are hit hardest by catastrophes like the one on Japan.They really need help!as you know,there's a lack of food,and medicine and means to rebuild houses.A number of children had even lost their parents and now need to find placements in orphanages.Starting tomorrow and up to saturday, you will be able to donate panda coins everyday,which we will later convert into dollars and then pass to the relife organization "save the children".Kamaria will explain how exactly the fundraiser idea work by the blog I will show the new finished to the pandas,which will be available in the catalogue starting tomorrow:April fool's day furniture,
Friday is April 1st already,so channel your inner jokester. Hmmmmmm.......who best to play a prank on?
Paws up for panfu,
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Panda beard in the blank of doom
Hiya pandas,
Today Lenny gave max and Ella a special task:to soften panda beard's heart,
We know that panda beard heart can't be softened because his heart is like STEEL if you want to know here is the story,
He had a very pretty woman and that woman was his sister, a sassy pirates. She made ever panda's heart between the pandacific and the pandLatic Ocean beat just a little faster.But you can't choose Cupid's arrow will land-She fell in love with Jimmy,the floppy eared panda,who only infertile half of what you yelled at him.During to one of our countless looming quests at sea it happened:they threw anchor directly beside a ship with loyal cargo. Direct hit!That was an easy prey,because the royal guard always panicked if they only so much saw a pirate through their long glass, child's play for me!He threw a long steel pipe towards the ship and carefully made his way to the other side, confident to his victory. Once he got to the ship,A bunch of pirates suddenly appeared out in no where,obviously he wasn't the first one to arrive. They got their knives out and surrounded him.Holly cannon balls! They bound his hands and made him walk the plank that was facing his ship, they wanted to throw him into the cold water. "Bad luck,mateys" he called out to his sister and jimmy,"I am going,under" but suddenly he had an idea how to save his panda tail.
And now pandas this was the story of poor pirate panda beard and his steel heart,but the story is not finished wait until tomorrow and then we will finish the story.
Paws up for panfu,
Today Lenny gave max and Ella a special task:to soften panda beard's heart,
We know that panda beard heart can't be softened because his heart is like STEEL if you want to know here is the story,
He had a very pretty woman and that woman was his sister, a sassy pirates. She made ever panda's heart between the pandacific and the pandLatic Ocean beat just a little faster.But you can't choose Cupid's arrow will land-She fell in love with Jimmy,the floppy eared panda,who only infertile half of what you yelled at him.During to one of our countless looming quests at sea it happened:they threw anchor directly beside a ship with loyal cargo. Direct hit!That was an easy prey,because the royal guard always panicked if they only so much saw a pirate through their long glass, child's play for me!He threw a long steel pipe towards the ship and carefully made his way to the other side, confident to his victory. Once he got to the ship,A bunch of pirates suddenly appeared out in no where,obviously he wasn't the first one to arrive. They got their knives out and surrounded him.Holly cannon balls! They bound his hands and made him walk the plank that was facing his ship, they wanted to throw him into the cold water. "Bad luck,mateys" he called out to his sister and jimmy,"I am going,under" but suddenly he had an idea how to save his panda tail.
And now pandas this was the story of poor pirate panda beard and his steel heart,but the story is not finished wait until tomorrow and then we will finish the story.
Paws up for panfu,
Saturday, 26 March 2011 worm heart is softened
Hi pandas,
today max and ella threw many hearts at worm because as we know he is really lonely he only lives in a dark cave with spiders and bats but when they throw the hearts at him he seamed very happy,if you want to know how see the results:
They also threw the hearts at kamaria, ok I don't have too much to say but I will say one thing:
Paws up for panfu
today max and ella threw many hearts at worm because as we know he is really lonely he only lives in a dark cave with spiders and bats but when they throw the hearts at him he seamed very happy,if you want to know how see the results:
They also threw the hearts at kamaria, ok I don't have too much to say but I will say one thing:
Paws up for panfu
Saturday, 19 March 2011
About me
Hi pandas,
Hi I am a new reporter, my name is kristina020 this is my new blog, I will tell you about my self as a panda in panfu, my name is kristina020, favorite food is French fries as we know everybody loves it, I love playing badminton and playing in my nintendo DS and playing panfu jumper it's a nice game you have to try it my score is 64280 as I think I forgot but I will show you my score list only if I knew how to take a screen shot, max and Ella don't know how to take a screen shot in the iPad but the iPad is like the iPhone exactly but it's big and it doesn't have the same name but everything in it is like the iPhone I tried to make like what they said to click on the menu and the lock bottom in the same time it's closing the game, this is funny right? Anyway,thanks for max I made this blog he is the best and one day I will be like him and Ella also they all helped us they are the best.
Paws up for panfu,
Hi I am a new reporter, my name is kristina020 this is my new blog, I will tell you about my self as a panda in panfu, my name is kristina020, favorite food is French fries as we know everybody loves it, I love playing badminton and playing in my nintendo DS and playing panfu jumper it's a nice game you have to try it my score is 64280 as I think I forgot but I will show you my score list only if I knew how to take a screen shot, max and Ella don't know how to take a screen shot in the iPad but the iPad is like the iPhone exactly but it's big and it doesn't have the same name but everything in it is like the iPhone I tried to make like what they said to click on the menu and the lock bottom in the same time it's closing the game, this is funny right? Anyway,thanks for max I made this blog he is the best and one day I will be like him and Ella also they all helped us they are the best.
Paws up for panfu,
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